Sunday, February 23, 2003


One day, Pinocchio and his girlfriend were in bed doing what
girls and wooden boys do. Later, as they were cuddling,
Pinocchio could tell that something was bothering his
girlfriend. So he asked her, "What's the matter, baby?"

Pinocchio's girlfriend gave a big sigh and replied,
"You're probably the best guy I've ever met-- but
every time we make love, you give me splinters."

This remark bothered Pinocchio a great deal, so the next day
he went to seek some advice form his creator, Gepetto. When
Pinocchio arrived, he could tell something was bothering
Pinocchio, and asked him what was the matter. As Pinocchio
revealed his dilemma, Gepetto searched up and down for a
solution. Eventually, he suggested that sandpaper might be able
to "smooth" out Pinocchio's relationship with his girlfriend.
Pinocchio graciously thanked Gepetto and went on his way.

Gepetto had not heard from Pinocchio for a while
and therefore assumed that the sandpaper had
solved all of Pinocchio's problems.

A couple weeks later, Gepetto was in town to have some blades
sharpened at the hardware store when he ran into Pinocchio. When
he saw Pinocchio buying all the packs of sandpaper the store had
in stock, Gepetto remarked, "So Pinocchio, things must be going
pretty damn good with the girls." To which Pinocchio replied,


Friday, February 14, 2003

ada yang ultah nih

happy birthday to you, gal !! huehueuehuheuheuheue gue jadi juga akhirnya sebagai orang yang terakhir ngasih selamat secara online :)

Saturday, February 08, 2003

ada beberapa alamat baru

baru nambahin link buat bhita, icut, ike sama mima :).
rodney carrington

dari chatting room eh dapet alamat ini......kartunnya lucu.

seharian di warnet, dulu waktu gue masih jaga di darmanet sering mikir enak banget kalo bisa punya warnet. sekarang begitu udah punya satu baru mikir deh, ternyata ngatur orang itu susahnya minta ampun. ada yang rajin, ada yang cuek ada yang kudu dibilangin berkali" baru ngeh. kadang" gemes juga liatnya. kayaknya gue kudu kursus manajemen nih. huehuehueheuheue.

hmmm....apalagi yah? oiya mo minta maaf nih buat yang semalem ngajakin nonton, sorry kalo tadi gue gak bisa. tadi siang soalnya kudu nganterin bokap nyokap ke kondangan. next time kali yah? cuman emang sih kan sayang banget soalnya nih film kan cuman sampe tanggal 12 yah? lebaran haji aja apa nontonnya? tau ah entar liat aja kali yah?

lho kok play list di winamp gue jadi lagu" mellowisme gini?

Thursday, February 06, 2003

terlalu capek !!

song : please don't turn me on - artful dodger + craig david
baru abis berenang (damn! i'm so tired). just wanna go to bed and wake up in the morning. i'll catch ya later.

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

dari iseng malah ganti warna

iyah nih saya lagi iseng di warnet (kok iseng mulu yah? kayak hidup ngga ada rencananya ^_*), udah ngedit template tapi lupa buat nambahin links di bloggerianz mo buka templatenya lagi males banget, uploadingnya lagi lelet. tumben nih hari ini betah banget di warnet, biasanya ngeluyur kemana".

oiya tadi siang sebenarnya keluar sih, beli vcd fi duta mas fatmawati, selama jalan dari warnet sampe ke duta mas hampir 4 kali nabrak. mentang" motornya kenceng main embat aja si denceh bawanya. di sana aturan mo beli majalah chip malah beli vcd antitrust -nya rachel leigh cook sama XXX nya vin diesel. dasar gatel pengen belanja *dezigh*

udah ah, terlalu capek nih duduk di depan pc, mo lempengin badan. till then see ya.